Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dragon Tribune: www.dragontribune.com

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You might be interested in knowing that vinyl records are making a comeback (according to the students on staff, we actually did something right...all those years ago).

There's a spirited debate on the relative merits of the Twilight series.

A follow-up story about a student dedicating himself to getting all the free stuff he can from the coupons his parents received when they re-roofed their home. There's a feature story on a freshman girl who has released her first album. A delightful and heart warming story about a student's much-loved grandmother. And there's an equally great story of a student who spent a portion of her summer in Manilla to get a better understanding of her family's history.

In addition, if you missed the October issue of The Dragon Tribune, just select Archives in the Navigation Bar.

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