Monday, October 3, 2011

CHS Apology

Please accept our sincere apology for including a statement about the loss of a CISD student among other routine stories listed in the Dragon Diary this past weekend. As Principal, I do not believe this was an appropriate place to include comments about such a sensitive matter. I have put procedures in place to ensure this doesn't happen again, and appreciate your forgiveness and understanding. It was never anyone's intention to be insensitive about such a significant loss for the CHS family, but unfortunately, that's how it came across. Please know that we care deeply about those who are suffering and want only to help ensure effective communication of news affecting CHS students and staff. In the future, you can rest assured that announcements of this nature will be sent separately from weekly school news and approved by campus leaders before being broadcast to CHS families.

PJ Giamanco
CHS Principal

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